Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Week 10 EOC

We have all seen it happen; ignorant people posting naïve things online about companies and their products. Launching a new product is tough and social media networks will definitely play a huge part in it no matter what. Vintage Ice has come up with a way to use social media to promote and to protect their new product.

The first thing to do would to actually set up accounts on the most used social networks. (i.e. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.) With these we will launch new ideas for our product and gain feedback from current and potential customers. We plan to offer incentives to those who befriend us online and through that we are sure we will be able to gain some loyal customers.

And how do we protect our brand without fighting back with our own negative comments? Well that is easy! Through our loyal customers of course. If someone posts something negative about a brand that someone truly loves there is no way they are going to get away with it without an argument. Our customers will back our product no matter what is said about it. Those passing by will see how passionate our customers are about our vodka and become curious as to why the product is being debated so heavily. These people will then seek out our product and try it on their own and we are absolutely confident that they will become loyal customers as well and through their word of mouth we can overcome any negative connotations linked to our name over the internet.

People think they can ruin a company through an internet…and maybe they can…but not for the Vintage Ice Vodka brand. I would like to see anyone try. Join us online and post your opinions today!

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