I am a cheap consumer, that is the truth but I suppose there are a few things I will spend more money for. Some of these include Anderson milk, Starbucks, Levi’s, Converse, etc. I think this is mostly out of habit but the one purchase that I know I am spending thousands more for is my education at The Art Institute.
A guy that I recently worked with at Levi’s was hammering me about why I would choose to pay $96,000 at this school than to go to UNLV and it turned into a heated debate. It is not that his school is terrible. It is not because The Art Institute of Las Vegas is the most prestige school in the world it is honestly preference. I would prefer to go to a private school with much less people than to have to go to a huge university where I feel like I am just another number.
I appreciate my class sizes and getting to have one on one time with my instructors. I am extremely hands on and where is there a better place to do web hands on? Most of our classes are lab! Yes, I have heard there are other schools like this one but they aren’t the ones I fell in love with. I knew I was meant to be here by whatever means necessary when I was 17 and walked through the front doors.
So you may ask me why I spend so much for my education and the answer is simple: I feel like it is worth it. I believe I have great teachers that are in my own profession. I am surrounded by people that are passionate about whichever major they are in. I feel like I belong here. $96,000 is nothing when I think about the experience I am paying for.